Friday, March 30, 2012


In the first technology class Twitter was nto something I saw as very valuable. Having used it so much through out this course and gaining so many valuable resources, I am amazed. Not only am I amazed at how much you actually learn from a simple 140 word post of another individual but with the ease at which you can post.

Ed chats are fantastic ways to gain valuable information from numerous "techy" people. I plan to continue to participate in them at least once a month if not more for the simple fact that technology is evolving constantly and ed chats are a simple way to stay in the know.

I don't follow anyone famous, and in fact the most interesting people I do follow are educators. I have found that educators (especially those who live in Nebraska) offer so much information about how to obtain better technology through out my district. It's great to have educators in other states and even countries but it's extremely valuable to know that districts right across the road are struggling with this technology or that their district was able to obtain Ipads for all of their students due to xyz.

I will continue to utilize Twitter more for professional use than anything else.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I most excited for your personal growth with Twitter throughout this course. With the network you develop on Twitter, you will continue to be able to share, learn, and grow as an educator! I encourage you to keep attending the chats and tweeting!
